Monday, September 26, 2011

My Strengths

Haha before doing assignment, I had no idea what my strengths were. I'm somewhat funny, have a decent smile, and make decent I thought I was pretty decent. But after doing the exercise I saw that I had a few strengths that fit me, and some that I had no clue even related to me. The 5 strengths that I was pegged with were: Adaptability, Focus, Harmony, Significance, and Futuristic. So for Adaptability, I thought it fit me pretty well. Being able to adjust to certain situations and living life for each moment and not going by an agenda, kinda hippy but whatever, I didn't argue. Focus on the other hand was something I didn't think I was. With making decent grades and all I didn't think I was focused when it came to school, but I feel like I'm focused when it comes to other things.  Harmony sounded kinda fruity and I was like "what the hell is this," but after reading the description it made sense. Being a person who avoids conflicts and rather resolve issues by talking and peacefully working out issues. Significance was something i guess fit. Wanting to feel important in the eyes of others but then I felt that it conflicted with my mentality that "I really don't care what people think of me." But whatever, it is a test and stuff isn't always accurate.  Then finally Futuristic, one that I really thought that fit me. I enjoy picturing what I will be like in 10, 20 years. Will I be married with kids and successful or would I be a complete bum, living off his parents haha..who knows and only time will tell. But in talking too my friends (which is hard to get a serious response from) they seemed to agree twits Adaptability, Harmony, and Futuristic. So now you know a little about my strengths.

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