Monday, September 26, 2011

My Strengths

Haha before doing assignment, I had no idea what my strengths were. I'm somewhat funny, have a decent smile, and make decent I thought I was pretty decent. But after doing the exercise I saw that I had a few strengths that fit me, and some that I had no clue even related to me. The 5 strengths that I was pegged with were: Adaptability, Focus, Harmony, Significance, and Futuristic. So for Adaptability, I thought it fit me pretty well. Being able to adjust to certain situations and living life for each moment and not going by an agenda, kinda hippy but whatever, I didn't argue. Focus on the other hand was something I didn't think I was. With making decent grades and all I didn't think I was focused when it came to school, but I feel like I'm focused when it comes to other things.  Harmony sounded kinda fruity and I was like "what the hell is this," but after reading the description it made sense. Being a person who avoids conflicts and rather resolve issues by talking and peacefully working out issues. Significance was something i guess fit. Wanting to feel important in the eyes of others but then I felt that it conflicted with my mentality that "I really don't care what people think of me." But whatever, it is a test and stuff isn't always accurate.  Then finally Futuristic, one that I really thought that fit me. I enjoy picturing what I will be like in 10, 20 years. Will I be married with kids and successful or would I be a complete bum, living off his parents haha..who knows and only time will tell. But in talking too my friends (which is hard to get a serious response from) they seemed to agree twits Adaptability, Harmony, and Futuristic. So now you know a little about my strengths.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Carbon Footprint

So this was the first time I've ever checked my carbon footprint and I must say I was pretty shocked by the amount calculated. I came in at around 33 tons of emissions. The national average is about 27 tons. I'm OVER! Looking at some of the things I checked, I really have the ability to cut back on but then again some things are out of my control. I feel that I am able to limit the number of miles a day I drive and possible find methods of public transportation. As well as cutting back on the long distance plane trips. Even more basic things can be done, eating less meats, and consuming more organic foods. Walking places instead of driving is also an option. Even starting a compost pile instead of just throwing away scraps, even recycling a few more bottles instead of being so quick to toss them in the garbage can. Things like these are so simple that they often go overlooked. As I read "No Impact Man" I like most people just kinda read through just to finish and say that I did, I didn't analyze and get the full meaning out of what I was reading but after seeing how my 150 lb self was making 33 tons of emissions a year which is more than the national average, it's almost like a wake-up call. Seeing these number tells me that I need to do better, be more environmentally friendly and most importantly really try to lower my emissions.

Monday, September 5, 2011


I've been doing a lot of thinking about what it means to make an impact. Not just being another face in the crowd at a university of thousands of students. Isn't that what everyone who's in college wants, to be an individual and not just another student,  and to have an lasting image on the university whether its big or small? All in all, we should just have something that you can be proud of and say "I WENT to college", and not "I went to college and stayed the dorm all the time."

So what are some things that you can do to get involved? So far my first few weeks on campus I've been able to find countless things to do. Whether it's parties, intramural flag football, clubs, frats or sororities, universities are always offering for students to get involved in. But it all comes down to finding something YOU enjoy and sticking with it. Once you find something that catches your interest, join and stick with it. Another tip, find something outside the campus to do or possibly start your own club if they don't have something that interest you. Remember there are thousands of other students and you are guaranteed to find someone that has like interest. Maybe you could start a benefit for a local charity, something where your action is helping others, along with bringing a positive image to your school. Also it's an easy way to meet girls and vice versa. 

Basically, it boils down to doing something you like. Make your college experience memorable, because you can never change the past. Make an impact, get involved, and make memories that you will never forget. Like usual, let us know your ideas.